Monday, April 28, 2014

Lesson Plan for Technology Integration Unit Project

Scope and Sequence
Week 1: Overview
Unit Outcomes
                                1. The student will select and identify a problem to research.
                                2. The student will identify 3 to 5 questions to answer based on their problem.
                                3. The student will be placed in a peer community for review, encouragement, criticism,                                      and support.
                                4. The student will turn in their research assignment with topic, 5 questions to be                                                answered in this topic, abstract, and at least 3-5 references.

Examples of Resource Helps and Readings for Week 1:
Link to use for the LibCat @ TAMUC the main catalog for the library:

1. Libarkin, J. C., & Kurdziel, J. P. (2004). Research methodologies in science education: Human subjects and education research. Journal of Geoscience Education, 52(2), 199-204. Retrieved from

2. Terrell, S. R., PhD. (2012). Mixed-methods research methodologies. The Qualitative Report, 17(1), 254-280. Retrieved from

3. Wahyuni, D. (2012). The research design maze: Understanding paradigms, cases, methods and methodologies. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research, 10(1), 69-80. Retrieved from

Assignments/Discussions: introduce your subject/topic of research
                There is one research topic assignment due for each unit. Discussions are found under the [Discussion] link to the left in eCollege… This is an example of how each week will be configured!

Estimated Time Requirements for Learners
These sections will last 3 weeks in a developed course entitled ETEC 424 Integrating Technology into Curriculum that is a semester in length.

Instructional Media
Students will need to have internet access. Web browsers such as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer will be necessary to utilize eCollege through MyLeo as a registered student at Texas A & M University-Commerce.
Students will conduct research of THREE (3) peer reviewed journal articles related to technology integration in the K-12 classroom by using the library databases and providing a critique of each article via the CRAAP Test. The Journal Article Critiques are to be part of student’s final ePortfolio.
Research and prepare a position-- Each student develops the position assigned, learns relevant information about it, and plans how to present the best case possible.
Apply the CRAAP Test, based on an acronym for the following criteria to evaluate every source of information: Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. (a link is provided as an example of how to utilize this test. Source used is from Dr. Mary Joanne Dondlinger's Prezi she developed for a previous class).

To help students with ideas for research articles I will provide a link to LibGuides that has a great source of media formats for researching articles.

To help students remain focused and creative they can formulate an outline for written documents that will help them associate comments and ideas with each chapter. There is a design for citing sources by linking websites, text files, and etc. The link for this site incorporates Educational Mind Mapping Software at:

Student Learning Objectives:

Learning outcomes are what you are able to do as a result of the activities, readings, instruction, etc. that have taken place in this course - these are my expectations of you!

1. The learner will be an active and engaged team member within his/her learning community by analyzing, constructing/creating, and evaluating information presented within the textbook, external readings/resources, student research, and class activities in order to contribute to and develop a research proposal.

2. The learner will compare and contrast different research designs and distinguish quantitative       and qualitative methods.

3. The learner will prepare and execute steps in the process of research in the form of 2 projects.
4. The learner will identify and select research articles.
5. The learner will collect and analyze relevant empirically based research and write a Journal Article /Abstract Critique and an Emerging Technologies Project.

·     6. The learner will develop the purpose and research questions to address the projects.

·     7. The learner will properly format and cite research via the APA 6th edition publication style.

8. The learner will participate in discussions with group members providing constructive and thoughtful feedback to the construction and development of their projects.

Undergraduate Online Course
            1. Relevance
                        a. Develop the skills needed for lifelong learning and broaden experiences.
                        b. Promote “active learning”.
                        c. Increase effective researching skills.
            2. Creativity and Innovation
                        a. Use prior knowledge to generate new idea.s
                        b. Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop processes using 
            3. Communication and Collaboration
                        a. Use digital media to communicate and collaborate.
            4. Research and Information Fluency
                        a. Use digital tools to gather, use, and evaluate information.
                        b. Plan strategies to guide inquiry.
                        c. Organize, evaluate, locate, analyze, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources.
                        d. Select and evaluate sources based on appropriateness to specific tasks.
            5. Critical Thinking, Problem-solving, and Decision Making
                        a. Use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve-problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
            6. Digital Citizenship
                        a. Understand societal, human, and cultural issues related to technology and practice ethical and legal behavior.
            7. Technology Operations and Concepts
                        a. Use a sound understanding of technology systems, operations and concepts

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