Sunday, April 20, 2014

Article Review # 2: The Student-Centered Classroom of the 21st Century...

Thiele, A. K., Mai, J. A., & Post, S. (2014). The Student-Centered Classroom of the 21st Century: Integrating Web 2.0 Applications and Other Technology to Actively Engage Students. Journal Of Physical Therapy Education, 28(1), 80-93.

This report describes various types of technology integrated into a traditional, face-to-face Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree curriculum. The technologies that are implemented and described here include Moodle Learning Management System, Raptivity, Camtasia Studio, Jing, and Triptico. I will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of implementing Jing and Triptico into the classroom.
This research was developed by the Research and Evaluation Team from the Office of Information Technology at the University of Minnesota.

The ability to engage students inside and outside of the classroom has become an issue in regards to technology. The purpose of my article is to describe the implementation of the selected web applications to build a 21st-century student- centered classroom. There will be a description of each application, including how the technology has been integrated into the classroom, there'll be feedback from faculty regarding the advantages and disadvantages for each, there'll be student data, and there will also be recommendations for implementation.

There are three specific points that emerge from this research:  (1) Students know basic computer concepts, but are using the web in a limited fashion. (2) Students liked the use of educational technology in the classroom. (3) Students recognize the limitations of technology. Educators must consider learning objectives when choosing technology, realizing that it is important to know faculty and student comfort level with technology, plan for distractions, and overcome barriers to implementation. All of these factors must be taken into account for successful implementation.

According to Lee Rainie1 of the Pew Internet Project, life as we know it has changed in the past decade because of three revolutions in technology: (1) the spread of broadband; (2) the rise of mobile connectivity; and (3) the emergence of technological, social networks. The Internet has shifted from a resource for looking up information to being an interactive medium. Web 2.0 refers to websites that have the ability to allow users to interact through social media, wiki's, blogs, and web applications, and is the largest growing Internet activity of our students’ generation2.

·         Used to quickly capture images to paste into documents or e-mails to help explain text
·         Used to record a video demonstrating a process, highlight areas of importance, or to narrate a text.

Advantages: it is useful for tutorials, screenshots and video with audio capability, and it is free. Disadvantages: is limited to 5 min. of video, and the video cannot be edited.


·         Can be used to keep a “team scorer” for competitive in-class games (e.g. review for a quiz)
·         Can use the ”Student Selector” option for calling owners student to answer an impromptu question
·         Can use the “Student Grouping” option for unbiased group creation for projects or discussions
·         Can use the “Flip Timer” option to communicate to students. The amount of time left for an activity
·         Many other options

Advantages: easily group students together while removing instructor influence, multiple classroom management applications, forces students to work with other classmates, students have developed relationships with other students in the class, new activities frequently added by creator, free.

Disadvantages: students disliked at first because they were forced into different groups, need to download to computer, need to create a class list.

Implementing technology can enhance learning by making the classroom more active, engaging, and student- centered. The key to the whole puzzle is when you meet students at their level of comfort with technology. Not all students in this “technology generation” are comfortable with the latest emerging applications; because of this the effectiveness of that technology integration into the classroom could suffer.


1. Pew Internet. The new normal in the digital age. Accessed April 12, 2012.

2. Pew Internet. Generational differences in online activities. Accessed April 12, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Robert,

    God review. Informative and concise. I have been looking into use Jing for my Technology project. At my institution we use Datatel Colleague instead of Moodle for a Learning Management system. Thanks for the info.

    David Tyler
